Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oralce Streams - High Level

Oracle streams was one of the options considered while evaluating various Oracle Replication options. Explaining the challenge - We need to come up with a plan for numerous Oracle DB Migrations across enterprise - Db would be of varied size(TB to GB)  and Types(Survival Critical to ME). Part of it during migration once we take a Prod Copy for testing if we can replicate the DB-Copy to Latest production during Cut-over  Downtime would be less. This could be one of the strategy we could use, We are in PoC. So trying various option Below id Initial High level birds Eye view of Oracle Streams terminology or cheat sheet (at least for me)
 Will update soon as  our PoC is done

Sunday, August 29, 2010

UML 2.0 a students notes...

My prior GL used comment that ‘good’ developers in Procedural languages like C, PLSQL etc….would take time to gain Object Oriented (OO) concepts. I think it was true to me and took genuine and consistent effort to REALLY appreciate the value of OOAD.

This series of my notes tries to capture UML 2.0, simplification of OO jargon and appreciate OO. This is to help myself years down the line and for similar objects of my class. References are listed at bottom.

My thoughts: “If Architecture is City plan , MAP is depicted in UML various kind of maps (political, road map…) are different UML diagrams” “UML is abstraction model of architecture”

Abstraction of model is to suppress or expose the detail as needed.

UML has numerous diagrams and their organization could be depicted below (UML Class diagram notation)

Structural diagrams: You use structural diagrams to show the building blocks of your system—features that don’t change with time. These diagrams answer the question, What’s there?

Behavioral diagrams: You use behavioral diagrams to show how your system responds to requests or otherwise evolves over time.

Interaction diagrams: An interaction diagram is actually a type of behavioral diagram. You use interaction diagrams to depict the exchange of messages within a collaboration (a group of cooperating objects) en route to accomplishing its goal.

Just to introduce two more buzzwords

Generalization is to move up the ladder of abstraction (example Deployment diagram is generalized by structural and it is still generalized by diagram…)

Specialization is to add more details to enhance the abstraction details (example structural diagram is specialized to get Deployment diagram so on)
Category Type of Diagram Purpose

UML is used as blue print and tools are in place to build code based on UML. This has helped Model Driven Architecture where major part of effort is now spent on the design rather than coding.

Evolution of UML

Need of OOAD… Systems started becoming complex, Re usability is huge concern – Object oriented programming gained traction.

Requirements of users are not translated entirely to deliverable. No proper methodology to verify the traceability in various phases of SDLC. Diagrammatic representation was call of the day. Various notations sprouted in market. Predominant was three (Read : Three amigos). They finally sat together to create and agree on UML. OMG approved it as standards. UML 2.0 is latest standard.

We will go through few Jargon before we kick start our journey

Saturday, August 28, 2010


This blog is to document my daily learning in line with Technical Role.
I wish I update this quite often at least weekly twice ?